J. Bradley Cousins is Professor Emeritus of Evaluation at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa and former Director of the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS). Cousins’ main interests in program evaluation include participatory and collaborative approaches, evaluation utilization, and organizational evaluation capacity. Although he has practiced and taught evaluation throughout the course of his career, his principal contributions have been to research on evaluation (RoE). Through empirical work with students, Cousins has studied and learned much about culturally responsive approaches, evaluation of social innovation, technology and evaluation, evaluation capacity building and organizational evaluation policy.
Cousins received his Ph.D. in educational measurement and evaluation from the University of Toronto in 1988. Throughout his career he has received numerous awards for his work in evaluation including the ‘Contribution to Evaluation in Canada’ award (CES, 1999), the Paul F. Lazarsfeld award for theory in evaluation (AEA, 2008), the Research on Evaluation ‘Distinguished Scholar Award’ (AERA, 2011) and the Research on Evaluation Award (AEA, 2018). Cousins has published many articles and books on evaluation, his latest books being Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation (2020, SAGE) and Monitoring and Evaluation Training that Makes a Difference (with Scott Chaplowe, 2016, SAGE). Professor Cousins was Editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation from 2002 to 2010 and has served as Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member of several evaluation periodicals.