1. Nominations and applications are accepted. Your submission should take the form of a case study that identifies the ways that your recent evaluation work exemplifies the award criteria. Nominations and applications therefore require:
    1. Statement of purpose demonstrating alignment of your recent evaluation exemplar with the award criteria. Recommended length: 2,000 words. Please note that your evaluation exemplar should be recent work from within the past five years.
    2. Nominee’s/applicant’s CV, not to exceed five pages.
    3. Supplemental materials: Testimonials of work are required; a maximum of five supplemental materials will be accepted. These could take the format of written testimonials or letters of reference. However, as this award is meant to exemplify work with marginalized and/or underrepresented communities, we acknowledge that some testimonials may need to be in more accessible formats. Therefore, a wide range of testimonial material formats will be accepted (e.g., community testimonials via audio recordings, videos, text messages, etc.). Please note that all materials must be in English and audio recordings must be accompanied by a transcript. If you wish to upload a file that is not a supported file type, please contact tei@cgu.edu for assistance. Applications without any supplemental materials will not be considered.
  2. The application/nomination form for the TEI Social Betterment Award will be open from February 28, 2025 – March 28, 2025.
  3. The selection committee will review all submitted applications and may request additional supplemental materials from award finalists. Please note that the winner of this award will be required to provide a completed W-9 or W-8BEN before receiving any funds.
  4. The selection committee will contact award finalists for an interview on April 4, 2025. All shortlisted candidates will need to make themselves available for an interview on Thursday, 17 April, or Friday, 18 April.
  5. The winner of the TEI Social Betterment Award will be announced at the 2025 WPA Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada in early May.

The winner of the TEI Social Betterment Award will give a virtual presentation on their work to the TEI community in Fall 2025.