Explore the videos below to watch recent TEI events and to learn more about our programs.
Encouraging Evaluation Use
This video offers a summary of TEI’s July 10, 2017 panel discussion, featuring:
- Tessie Catsambas (TEI faculty and CEO of EnCompass LLC)
- Stephanie Evergreen (TEI faculty and Heavy Hitter at Evergreen Data/Consulting)
- Mike Shoag (Managing Director of Government Services at Forum One)
Description: Nobody wants to read another 100 page evaluation report that is crammed with words and a few lonely charts and graphs. As evaluators, we put valuable time and effort into perfecting our designs and approach. We get just the right experts into place to collect and analyze data, but in the end we more often than not end up generating long reports that get placed on a shelf (or in an online repository) and quickly forgotten. The quantity of information out there and the many competing demands for people’s time and attention can be overwhelming. In order to get people interested and excited about our evaluation findings, we need more efficient and creative means of communicating our data and results. This panel will showcase how web design, data visualizations and multimedia products can be used to take your reporting and dissemination efforts to the next level.
About TEI
Learn more about TEI’s mission, participants, and offerings with these videos.
Faculty Fireside Chats
TEI faculty share personal reflections on their courses, their careers, and their thinking.
Evaluation Practices and Approaches Across Administrations
On March 10, 2017, The Evaluators’ Institute and Washington Evaluators gathered a distinguished panel of federal evaluators with experience in administrations from President Johnson up through the current administration.
In this video, this group discusses how different administrations have shaped the role of evaluation in various ways. They explore how evaluation has changed across multiple administrations, with a particular focus on how evaluation was used to influence policy, the unique challenges and successes that came from changes in leadership, and what evaluation might look like in the coming years.
In addition to the full panel discussion, please enjoy a few reactions from the on-site audience present that night.