This page includes a selection of recent faculty publications showcasing the academic rigor and innovative approaches of our instructors. Explore some of the books and articles that are shaping the future of evaluation and enhancing the effectiveness of evaluators across the globe.



Alice Feng

Ann Doucette

  • Butler, S. F., Black, R. A., McCaffrey, S. A., Ainscough, J., & Doucette, A. M. (2017). A computer adaptive testing version of the Addiction Severity Index—Multimedia Version (ASI–MV): The Addiction Severity CAT. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(3), 265.
  • Doucette, A. M., & Wolf, A. W. (2014). Increasing measurement precision in psychotherapy research: Item response theory and bifactor models. In Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Psychotherapy Research (pp. 9-43). Routledge.
  • Gabree, S., Chase, S., Doucette, A., & Coplen, M. (2014). Potential countermeasures to mitigate suicides on the railroad rights-of-way (No. GLXS2014-1040).
  • Rothrock, N. E., Bott, N., Douglas, S., McKune, E. W., Owings-Fonner, N., Ross, D., … & Wright, C. V. (2023). Understanding and preparing for value-based care: A primer for behavioral health providers. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
  • Martino, M., Doucette, A., Chase, S., & Gabree, S. (2013). Defining characteristics of intentional fatalities on railway rights-of-way in the United States, 2007-2010 (No. DOT/FRA/ORD-13/25). United States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and Development.

Anna Woodcock

  • Pedersen, R., Woodcock, A., Schultz, P. W., & Hernandez, P. R. (2024). When perceived similarity overrides demographic similarity: examining influences on STEM students’ developmental mentor networks. International Journal of STEM Education, 11(1), 21.
  • Zheng, X., Young, G., Hernandez, P. R., Estrada, M., Schultz, P. W., & Woodcock, A. (2024). Longitudinal Associations between Self-esteem and Integration into the Scientific Community among Black and Latinx STEM Students.
  • Hernandez, A. M., Daoud, A., Woodcock, A., & Landin, K. (2023). Examining field experiences of teacher candidates during covid-19: Systemic inequities unveiled for underserved english learners in K-12 grades. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 22(3), 307-324.
  • Woodcock, A., & Schultz, P. W. (2021). The role of conformity in mask-wearing during COVID-19. PLoS One, 16(12), e0261321.
  • Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2016). Diversifying science: Intervention programs moderate the effect of stereotype threat on motivation and career choice. Social psychological and personality science, 7(2), 184-192.

David Wilson

  • Wilson, D. B., Abt, T., Kimbrell, C., & Johnson, W. (2024). Protocol: Reducing community violence: A systematic meta‐review of what works. Campbell systematic reviews, 20(2), e1409.
  • Eggins, E., Wilson, D. B., Betts, J., Roetman, S., Chandler‐Mather, N., Theroux, B., & Dawe, S. (2024). Psychosocial, pharmacological, and legal interventions for improving the psychosocial outcomes of children with substance misusing parents: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20(3), e1413.
  • Abt, T., Wilson, D. B., Kimbrell, C. S., Hahn, R., & Johnson, W. (2024). Crime, place, policy, and politics. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 101991.
  • Wilson, D. B., & Lipsey, M. W. (2024). Scaling up effective juvenile delinquency programs by focusing on change levers: Evidence from a large meta‐analysis. Criminology & Public Policy.
  • Weisburd, D., Wilson, D. B., Gill, C., Kuen, K., & Zastrow, T. (2024). Are We Underestimating the Crime Prevention Outcomes of Community Policing? The Importance of Crime Reporting Sensitivity Bias. Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis, 1(1), 2755323X241233469.

Debra J. Rog

  • Henderson, K.A., Rog, D, J., Harihar, B., Gilber-Mongelli, A., Silveira, B., Ethan, J (2023, March). Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program: Report | HUD USER. Evaluation Report for HUD Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R)
  • Henderson, K, A., Rog, D, J., Blanchfield, B, V., Noah, L., Eleanor, K. (2022). Evaluation of the HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program: Youth Perspectives on Homeless Housing and Services | HUD USER. Evaluation Report for HUD Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R)
  • Rog, D, J., Henderson, K, A., Kerr, E, M. (2021). Evaluation of the HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Initial CoC Survey | HUD USER. Evaluation Report for HUD Office of Policy Development and Research
  • Rog, D. J. (2015). Infusing theory into practice, practice into theory: Small wins and big gains for evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 36(2), 223-238.
  • Rog, D. J., Marshall, T., Dougherty, R. H., George, P., Daniels, A. S., Ghose, S. S., & Delphin-Rittmon, M. E. (2014). Permanent supportive housing: assessing the evidence. Psychiatric Services, 65(3), 287-294.

Delwyn Goodrick

Emily E. Tanner-Smith

  • Tanner-Smith, E. E., Mojekwu, F., & Frankel, L. (2024). Examining the Effects of Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 51(1), 148-170.
  • Schweer-Collins, M. L., Parr, N. J., Saitz, R., & Tanner-Smith, E. E. (2023). Investigating for whom brief substance use interventions are most effective: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Prevention Science, 24(8), 1459-1482.
  • Gies, S. V., Nichols, L. M., Mojekwu, F., Guerette, R. T., & Tanner-Smith, E. E. (2023). Applying an empirically derived effect size distribution to benchmark the practical magnitude of interventions to reduce recidivism in the USA. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-25.
  • Tanner-Smith, E. E, Grant, S., & Schweer-Collins, M. L. (2023). Research Synthesis Methods for Prevention Science [Conference Presentation]. Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 2023 31st Annual Meeting. SPR. Washington, DC, United States.
  • Juras, R., Kelsey, M., Steinka-Fry, K., Lipsey, M., Layzer, J., & Tanner-Smith, E. E. (2022). Meta-analysis of federally funded adolescent pregnancy prevention program evaluations. Prevention Science, 23(7), 1169-1195.

J. Bradley Cousins

  • Cousins, J. B., Hoang, J., Yilma, L., Zha, Y., Bould, D., Gacii, V. M., … & Evans, F. (2024). Using Dedoose to “Quantitize” Qualitative Data in Mixed Method Analysis: A Case Analysis. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 39(1), 83-96.
  • Cousins, J. B., & Whitmore, E. (2024). Framing participatory evaluation: a twenty-five-year retrospective. In Research Handbook on Program Evaluation (pp. 116-136). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Cousins, J. B., & Al Hudib, H. (2023). The Curious Case of Practical Participatory Evaluation. Evaluation Roots: Theory Influencing Practice, 211.
  • Al Hudib, H., & Cousins, J. B. (2022). Understanding evaluation policy and organizational capacity for evaluation: An interview study. American Journal of Evaluation, 43(2), 234-254.
  • Cousins, J. B. (Ed.). (2019). Collaborative approaches to evaluation: Principles in use (Vol. 3). Sage Publications.

Jason T. Siegel

  • Blazek, D. R., & Siegel, J. T. (2023). Preventing satisficing: A narrative review. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-14.
  • Yao, E., & Siegel, J. T. (2024). Weiner’s Attribution-Emotion-Action Model: Uncovering the Mediating Role of Self-Blame and the Moderating Effect of the Helper’s Responsibility for the Help Recipient’s Behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672241238132.
  • Muschetto, T., & Siegel, J. T. (2023). Perceived stability of depressive symptomology and willingness to help relational partners: An attributional perspective. Current Psychology, 42(16), 14076-14091.
  • Siegel, J. T., & Yzer, M. C. (in press). Maximizing mental health communication: The IIFF model of help-seeking for depression. In M. C. Yzer & J. T. Siegel (Eds.), Handbook of mental health communication. Wiley/Blackwell.
  • Siegel, J. T., McManus, M. D., Blazek, D. R., & Marshburn, A. (2023). Three-in-1,000 and dynamic norms: A mixed-method investigation of novel appeals for influencing organ donor registration. Social Science & Medicine, 317, 115544.

Jennifer P. Villalobos

  • Donaldson, S. I., & Villalobos, J. (2024). Positive mindset: PsyCap’s roles in PERMA+ 4 and positive organizational psychology, behavior, and scholarship 2.0. Organizational Dynamics, 101084.
  • Villalobos, J., Bledsoe, K. L., & Donaldson, S. I. (2023). Integrating theory and research on structural racism and social justice into evaluator preparation. New Directions for Evaluation, 2023(177), 49-55.
  • Villalobos, J., & Chan, L, B. (2023). Can Positive Psychology Thrive in a House of Social Justice? A Question for the Field of Positive Psychology. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. In Press.
  • Villalobos, J., & Jessup, L. (2021). Adapting to distance learning during Covid-19 using a transparent assignment and course design. The Journal of Faculty Development, 35(2), 72-77.
  • Villalobos, J., Chan, L. B., Chen, C., & Donaldson, S. I. (2020). Exploring adaptability and proactivity across cultural contexts. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 20(3), 345-360.

Jill A. Chouinard

  • Chouinard, J. A., & Thiessen, S. (2024). Cross-cultural evaluation in Indigenous communities: a journey into and out of colonized spaces. In Research Handbook on Program Evaluation (pp. 192-209). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Chouinard, J. A., & McDavid, J. C. (2024). Teaching introductory policy evaluation: A philosophical and pedagogical dialogue across paradigms. In Handbook of Teaching Public Policy (pp. 324-339). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Chouinard, J. A., & McDavid, J. C. (2024). Teaching introductory policy evaluation: A philosophical and pedagogical dialogue across paradigms. In Handbook of Teaching Public Policy (pp. 324-339). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Chouinard, J., Tovey, T. L., & Kidd, K. (2023). The Evaluation of Equity-Focused Community Coalitions: A Review of the Empirical Literature. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 19(45), 50-66.
  • Chouinard, J. A., & Krawchenko, T. (2022). The Transformative Potential of Evaluation as a Policy Tool. In The Routledge Handbook of Policy Tools (pp. 426-437). Routledge.

John Bryson

  • Bryson, J. M., Barberg, B., & Crosby, B. C. (2024). The Future of Public Service and Strategy Management-at-Scale. Policy Quarterly, 20(1), 50-59.
  • Bryson, J. M., George, B., & Seo, D. (2024). Understanding goal formation in strategic public management: a proposed theoretical framework. Public Management Review, 26(2), 539-564.
  • Bryson, J. M. (2024). Debate: US universities’ varied approaches to social responsibility. Public Money & Management, 44(1), 11-12.
  • Bryson, J. M., Crosby, B. C., & Barberg, B. (2023). Public value governance and strategic public management. In Handbook on Strategic Public Management (pp. 92-113). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bryson, J. M. (2023). Addressing Complex and Cross-Boundary Challenges in Government: The Value of Strategy Mapping.

Kantahyanee Murray

  • The Weight of Power: The Role of Metrics & Evaluation at the Intersection of Social Justice. (2023). Echoing Green. Dr. Kantahyanee Murray was the lead contributor from MPHI Center for Culturally Responsive Engagement
  • Murray, K., Barnes, A., & Won Shon , J. (2023). Limitless Possibilities: A Guide to Power Shifting Approaches in Philanthropy. A Research Report from the Center for Culturally Responsive Engagement at MPHI.
  • Greeno, E. J., Rushovich, B., Williams, S. C., Brusca, J., & Murray, K. (2019). Findings from an evaluation of Family Finding: Experiences of Family Finders and older youth. International Social Work, 62(2), 784-798.
  • Murray, K. W., Dwyer, K. M., Rubin, K. H., Knighton-Wisor, S., & Booth-LaForce, C. (2014). Parent–child relationships, parental psychological control, and aggression: Maternal and paternal relationships. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43, 1361-1373.
  • Murray, K. W., Woodruff, K., Moon, C., & Finney, C. (2015). Using text messaging to improve attendance and completion in a parent training program. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 3107-3116.

LaShaune Johnson

  • Johnson, L. P., & Lux, S. J. (2024). Listening is fertile, “service” is thorny. In L. P. Johnson & S. J. Lux (Eds.), Accompaniment starts in your backyard (pp. 123-145). Taylor & Francis.
  • Johnson, L., Fakunle, D. O., & Lux, S. (2023). For Us, with Us: Creative Expressions as Means to Collectively Elevate Minoritized Experiences, Knowledge, and Wisdom. In Facilitating Visual Socialities: Processes, Complications and Ethical Practices (pp. 241-269). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Felt, D., Perez‐Bill, E., Barela, E., Cundiff, N., Ellis, R., Johnson, L., … & Phillips, G. (2022). Imagining the future of LGBTQ+ evaluation: New (er) directions and what comes next. New Directions for Evaluation, 2022(175), 171-191.
  • Johnson, L. P., Asigbee, F. M., Crowell, R., & Negrini, A. (2018). Pre‐surgical, surgical and post‐surgical experiences of weight loss surgery patients: a closer look at social determinants of health. Clinical obesity, 8(4), 265-274.
  • Johnson, L. (2016). What is social capital?. Social capital and community well-being: The serve here initiative, 53-66.

Leona Ba

  • Ba, L., & Zimmerman, M. (2017). Final Performance Evaluation Report for the Peace Corps Participating Agency Program Agreement (PAPA).
  • Ba, L. (2022). How to Expand Your World [TED Talk].; TED Talks.
  • Hill, B, M., Ba L., Gnanaselvam, S., Kim, L., de Garcia, D (2023) Now what? The SCOTUS Decision on Affirmative Action and What it Means for the Evaluation Talent Pipeline [Conference Presentation]. American Evaluation Association (AEA) 2023 Conference, Indianapolis, IN, United States.
  • Ba, L. (2017) Culture and evaluation [Preconference Workshop]. American Evaluation Association (AEA) 2017 Conference, Washington, DC, United States,
  • Ba, L. (2004). Knowledge management and organizational culture: A social action perspective [Doctoral dissertation,The George Washington University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Melvin Mark

  • Mark, M. M. (2024). Evaluation use and influence. In Research Handbook on Program Evaluation (pp. 14-34). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Mark, M. (2024). Visualizing Evaluation Theory: Current Reflections and Future Projections. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 20(48), 59-63.
  • Mark, M. M. (2023). Surfacing, as well as testing, “elliptical assumptions” in a theory of change: Principled discovery. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97, 102266.
  • Mark, M. M., & Hart, N. R. (2022). The future of evaluation policy. New Directions for Evaluation, 2022(173), 117-124.
  • Mark, M. M., & Henry, G. T. (2023). Multiple paths to evaluation influence and social betterment. Evaluation roots: Theory influencing practice, 67-77.

Michael Quinn Patton

  • Patton, M. Q. (2024). Evaluation in the Polycrisis Epoch. In The Political Economy of Evaluation in Greece: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for an Inclusive and Forward-Looking Evaluation (pp. 15-37). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Patton, M. Q., Foote, N., & Radner, J. (2024). A Foundation’s Theory of Philanthropy: What It Is, What It Provides, How to Do It–With 2024 Prologue. The Foundation Review, 16(1), 12.
  • Patton, M. Q., & Campbell-Patton, C. E. (2024). Using principles to guide evaluation theory and practice. In Research Handbook on Program Evaluation (pp. 137-160). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2023). The ongoing evolution of utilization-focused evaluation. Evaluation roots: Theory influencing practice, 183-192.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2023). Evaluating Transformation Means Transforming Evaluation. In Sustainability Transformations, Social Transitions and Environmental Accountabilities (pp. 15-38). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

P. Wesley Schultz

  • Pedersen, R., Woodcock, A., Schultz, P. W., & Hernandez, P. R. (2024). When perceived similarity overrides demographic similarity: examining influences on STEM students’ developmental mentor networks. International Journal of STEM Education, 11(1), 21.
  • Packard, C. D., & Schultz, P. W. (2023). Emotions as the Enforcers of Norms. Emotion Review, 15(4), 279-283.
  • Bonilla, A., Schultz, P. W., Woodcock, A., & Hernandez, P. R. (2023). Diversifying STEM: Communal goal mismatch predicts student intentions. Social Psychology of Education, 26(2), 293-308.
  • Schultz, P. W. (2022). Secret agents of influence: Leveraging social norms for good. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 31(5), 443-450.
  • Tise, J. C., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2023). Mentoring underrepresented students for success: Self-regulated learning strategies as a critical link between mentor support and educational attainment. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 75, 102233.

Peter York

  • York, P., & Bamberger, M. (2025). The Applications of Big Data to Strengthen Evaluation. In Artificial Intelligence and Evaluation (pp. 37-55). Routledge.
  • York, P. (2025). The Future of Evaluation Analytics: Case Studies of Structural Causal Modeling in Action. In Artificial Intelligence and Evaluation (pp. 219-241). Routledge.
  • York, P., & Bamberger, M. (2020). The nexus of evaluation, analytics, and digital technology. Evaluation Report for the Rockerfeller Foundation.
  • Schwartz, I. M., York, P., Greenwald, M., Ramos-Hernandez, A., & Feeley, L. (2016). Using predictive analytics and machine learning to improve the accuracy and performance of juvenile justice risk assessment instruments: The Florida case study. In J. L. Skeem, K. S. Douglas, & S. O. Lilienfeld (Eds.), Handbook on Risk and Need Assessment: Theory and Practice (pp. 24-45). Routledge.
  • York, P. (2005). A Funder’s Guide to Evaluation: Leveraging Evaluation to Improve Nonprofit Effectiveness. Fieldstone Alliance

Robert D. Shand

  • Shand, R., & Goddard, R. D. (2024). The Relationship Between Teacher Collaboration and Instructional Practices, Instructional Climate, and Social Relations. Educational Policy, 08959048241278290.
  • Shand, R., Leach, S. M., Hollands, F. M., Yan, B., Dossett, D., Chang, F., & Pan, Y. (2024). The Unexpected Benefits of a Research-Practice Partnership’s Efforts to Strengthen Budgetary Decision-Making. Peabody Journal of Education, 1-17.
  • Hollands, F. M., Shand, R., Yan, B., Leach, S. M., Dossett, D., Chang, F., & Pan, Y. (2024). A comparison of three methods for providing local evidence to inform school and district budget decisions. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 23(2), 296-330.
  • Shand, R., Madhani, N., & Austin, K. (2023). Teacher Residencies as an Approach to Teacher Diversity: Promising Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Black Educators. Issues in Teacher Education, 32(1), 74-101.
  • Shand, R., & Batts, J. (2023). Toward more inclusive professional learning communities. Journal of Education Human Resources, 41(1), 110-141.

Robert Klitgaard

  • Klitgaard, R. (2024). Using ChatGPT in Graduate Education: A Beginner’s Guide (And We’re All Beginners Here). Atlas Public Management.
  • Klitgaard, R. (2023). Policy Analysis for Big Issues: Confronting Corruption, Elitism, Inequality, and Despair. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Klitgaard, R. (2022). Prevail: How to Face Upheavals and Make Big Choices with the Help of Heroes. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
  • Klitgaard, R. (2021). Adjusting to Reality: Beyond’State versus Market’in Economic Development. Routledge.
  • Klitgaard, R. (2020). The culture and development manifesto. Oxford University Press.

Stewart I. Donaldson

  • Donaldson, S. I., & Dubin, M. (2024). Flow 2.0: Optimal experience in a complex world. Honoring Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s legacy. Wiley.
  • Donaldson, S. I. (2020). Exemplary evaluations in a multicultural world. The evaluation handbook: An evaluator’s companion. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Renger, J., & Donaldson, S. I. (2024). The Prevalence of Evaluator Anxiety in Practice: An Empirical Examination. American Journal of Evaluation, 45(2), 203-218.
  • Azzam, T., & Donaldson, S. I. (2024). The evaluation purposes visualization. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 20(48), 23-27.
  • Donaldson, S. I. (2022). Introduction to theory-driven program evaluation: Culturally responsive and strengths-focused applications. Routledge.

Tessie Catsambas

  • Catsambas, T., & Aslam, G. (2024). Building evaluation capacity. In Research Handbook on Program Evaluation (pp. 240-259). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Catsambas, T. T., & Davidson, E. J. (2023). Evaluation management: How to commission and conduct evaluations that matter. Sage Publications.
  • Mertens, D. M., & Catsambas, T. (2021). Ethical practice through a transformative lens and methodological implications in evaluation. In Ethics for Evaluation (pp. 164-187). Routledge.
  • Catsambas, T. T. (2016). Facilitating evaluation to lead meaningful change. New Directions for Evaluation, 2016(149), 19-29.
  • Catsambas, T. T., & Bauer, J. (2015). Creating a Global Movement in Evaluation: The Story of EvalPartners. American journal of Evaluation, 36(2), 256-269.

Tiffany Berry

  • Berry, T., Hite, B., Sloper, M., & Umans, H. (2023). The Role of Evaluation Theory and Practice in Narrowing the Research-to-Practice Gap. American Journal of Evaluation, 10982140231213529.
  • Garst, B. A., Pann, J., Berry, T., Biesecker, G., Spector, J., Conn, M., & Jones, C. (2021). Building evaluation capacity in youth-serving organizations through evaluation advisory boards. Journal of Youth Development, 16(4), 52-69.
  • Garst, B. A., Pann, J., Berry, T., Biesecker, G., Spector, J., Conn, M., & Jones, C. (2021). Building evaluation capacity in youth-serving organizations through evaluation advisory boards. Journal of Youth Development, 16(4), 52-69.
  • Berry, T., Teachanarong-Aragon, L., Sloper, M., Bartlett, J., & Steber, K. (2019). Promising practices for building protective and promotive factors to support positive youth development in afterschool.
  • Berry, T., Sloper, M., Pickar, H., & Talbot, H. (2016). Aligning professional development to continuous quality improvement: A case study of Los Angeles Unified School District’s Beyond the Bell Branch. IJREE–International Journal for Research on Extended Education, 4(1), 13-14.

Tracy Hilliard

  • Hilliard, T., Elam, P., & Reddock, E. (2023). Positionality, reflexivity, and strengthening the process of conducting culturally responsive racially equitable evaluation as practitioners of color. In S. Bohni Nielsen, F. Mazzeo Rinaldi, & G. J. Petersson (Eds.), Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: Visions and Voices of Emerging Scholars (pp. 123-145). Taylor & Francis.
  • Ellam, P., Anderson, M., Andrews, K., Hilliard, T., Johnson, L, P. (2021) Utilization of a Culturally Responsive and Racial Equity Lens to Help Guide Strategic Engagement and Evaluation [Conference Presentation]. Sixth International Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) 2021 PreConference, Virtual PreConference.
  • Hilliard, T. M., & Boulton, M. L. (2012). Public health workforce research in review: a 25-year retrospective. American journal of preventive medicine, 42(5), S17-S28.
  • Hilliard, T., & Arnold, M. (2020). Expanding the BenchTM Week: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: African American Practitioners’ Reflections on Opportunities and Challenges in our Sector by Tracy Hilliard & Michael Arnold – AEA365 (S. Robinson, Ed.).
  • Northwest Asian Weekly. (2021). The ethics and equity questions of vaccine passports. Northwest Asian Weekly. Dr. Hilliard is featured alongside her colleages from MPHI